Explorer 4.x 1998

Explorer 4.50 Info

Diese vorliegende Version war in der BETA Testphase (Oh wie ich dieses Wort doch liebe) !

Small info!
- See for new infos the Explorer Guide... - Removed bug from " GetDevice " * Under certain conditions the program didn`t read the devicelist correctly. - Removed bug bug from " Save Other " * The reread after saving was not correctly. - Removed bug from listing unknown files... The busy cursor didn`t removed until an new action starts... - Rewrote code for viewing listed files... LZX & LHA working fine yet. Please test zip,zoo etc... and contact me, if there are problems... - Changes on some old code... f.e. Selected Guide will not clearing the Editortext (Showing now Infos)
Contact adress: EXPLORER V4.5, written by J.Grus & M.Gentile; <

I-Mehl mal was!
